Sunday, April 1, 2007

How to make new friends at work!

Are you tired of being a stranger to everybody at your work? Are you scared of making new friends? Are you having trouble starting conversation with your co-workers? If you want to change all that, then I suggest you keep reading because what I'm about to tell you a secret. A Secret that will help you break out of your shell and help you get noticed, even in a crowd of hundreds.

Yes it's possible. There are as many ways to getting yourself noticed as there are hair on our head. But some of them are good Which will help you gain popularity and some of them are bad. Meaning, some of them will draw attention to you in a bad way. Example: people making jokes about you or laughing at you Or not liking you because they think you're weird. Trust me, I have seen that happened before.

Before we learn about how to impress other people, we need to be sure of couple of things. We need to learn to be confident about ourselves and how we look. Most of us are very self conscious and are scared of making a move just thinking we are not good enough. But once we tackle this problem, it will become alot easier for us to open up to other people and make new friends. So it is important to be comfortable with how to look and be confident.

A common problem that we all face at one point in our life is not knowing how to approach the person you like at your work. In fact, we all dream about having the person in our life, but are too scared of even talking to them. That's because we are too scared of leaving a bad first impression. Because of this, we end up not even trying. So how can you fix this?

Simple. Always dress up and look good. If there's an eye contact, dont look away. Exchange smiles. This will acknowledge the person that you did notice them. Making an eye contact and looking away is quite rude. Try not to stare as it can sometimes make other person uncomfortable. If the other person smiles back, then it's time for you to make another move. Ask them if they're doing anything special during lunch. If not, then invite them to join you for lunch. Start a conversation and get to know the person.

You just have to believe it in yourself and take the risk. You might fail once, or twice but not everytime. Practise will make you perfect and you'll just need to keep on doing it to get better at it.

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